You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.7. Kitting - Works Orders > Works Order Creation - Edit Menu Options > Works Order Creation - Edit - Complete All
Works Order Creation - Edit - Complete All

Use this option to flag all kit items on a works order as completed. You should only do this when the works order has been posted, the item(s) assembled and you don’t want to manufacture more of any kit item on the works order.

When you select this option, Micronet sets the Complete field on the Enter WorksOrder Line screen to Complete This Line for all kit items on the works order. When the kit items are posted to stock (refer to "Works Order Creation - File - Post Completed Stock"), Micronet deletes the works order.


Technical Tip

If you want to select specific items on the works order that should be flagged as completed, refer to "Works Order Creation - Edit - Ask All".

To flag all items on a works order as completed:

  1. Display the Works Order Creation screen.

Refer to "Works Order Creation - Edit Menu Options".

  1. Select EDIT | COMPLETE ALL.

Micronet sets the Complete field on the Enter WorksOrder Line screen to Complete This Line for all kit items on the works order and redisplays the Works Order Creation screen.

  1. Post the completed kit items to stock.

Refer to "Works Order Creation - File - Post Completed Stock".